Chair Caning Footstool Workshop

Chair Caning Footstool Workshop 4/27 & 5/4

Have you ever wanted to learn to cane chairs? This workshop offers you the entire 7-Step chair caning process by completing a 10” x 14” solid oak footstool during the workshop.
No caning or limited caning experience needed, just the desire to learn. After completing this class, participants will be able to cane chairs on their own and be the envy of friends and relatives.

  1. Register with Bob Johnson, an experienced and passionate chair caner and seat weaver at or 860-455-6503.
  2. Materials: Participants will purchase online a “Chair Caning Footstool Kit” .
    Kit cost $44.95 and contains all of the materials you will need for the class. Order as soon as possible.
  3. Class fee: free for AAC members; $5 for non-Members. (exact cash or check made out to Windham Arts Organization, In Memo line: AAC Workshop

Two-Session Workshop
Wed., April 27 and May 4, 6:30-8:30pm
Ashford Senior Center