Writer’s Crawl, June 18, 2022, 10:30-1:30. Meet at Storrs Center with Marian Matthews, leader of the expedition.
Feel like being inspired through sharing your writing done in-the-moment and to the location with others? Then come to the Writer’s Crawl. We will be writing to art, nature, food, or whatever moves you. You do not have to be a writer to participate; just bring something to write with and something to write on. No pressure, no critique, just writing about whatever you want to write. Find the writer within you. AAC members – Free, $5.00 for non-members. [email protected] and 860-420-8544.
So far, these wonderfully creative people are registered to show:
Painting by Deb Gag
Debora Aldo, mosaics Lance Arnold, Glassware and Fairy houses John Boiano, Pottery Judy Doyle, original art Debra Gag, paintings Gretchen Geromin with Lauren Merlo, woodwork Freitha Lawrence, artwork and her book Dan Merlo, woodturner
Dana Monaco, fabric covered containers Charles McCaughtry, paintings Mike Metsak, HyHope soaps and lotions, Dan Rackliffe, pottery Jane Rackliffe, fused glassware Mike South, luthier Suzy Staubach, pottery, author Kathy Weigold, weavings
The Ashford Arts Council is sponsoring A Summer’s Palette at Westford Hill Distillers from 10:00 – 4:00 on July 9th (Rain date 7/10). Artists will be drawing painting en plein air and others, including you, may stop by to join in. There will be a paint and paper table for those who wish to try their hand at en plein air. The location is incredibly inspiring, with an over 100-year-old home and a lovely pond. The lilies and other flowers will be in bloom. There will be live music, and drinks and snacks will be available. Several artists will be displaying their work and offering some for sale. We appreciate the collaboration with Margy and Lou Chatey who operate the distillery and are kind enough to share their beautiful location. The Chatey’s will be creating a signature beverage for the event. Lou will be talking about the history of the local area and a little about the distillery.
Spring (starting in April 25th, 2022) Zoom Poetry Workshop With Tony Paticchio
Dates: Workshops will be held the 2ND & 4TH Monday each month from 6:30-8:00 PM, starting April 25th. I’d like to keep this workshop open for as long as there is interest in continuing with it. If and as writing slots open, I’ll look for new writing participants.
Participants: Up to 6 writing participants who are willing to share and workshop their own poems. I will also hold up to 4 additional reading only slots for those who are interested in reading and discussing poetry, but don’t now have work of their own to share. Please indicate your preference when you contact me.
We’ll read and discuss our own work, as well as poems by some of our finest contemporary and near contemporary poets, including favorite poets of the participants. Our goal is to become more accomplished readers and writers of poetry.
Have you ever wanted to learn to cane chairs? This workshop offers you the entire 7-Step chair caning process by completing a 10” x 14” solid oak footstool during the workshop. No caning or limited caning experience needed, just the desire to learn. After completing this class, participants will be able to cane chairs on their own and be the envy of friends and relatives.
Register with Bob Johnson, an experienced and passionate chair caner and seat weaver at or 860-455-6503.
Materials: Participants will purchase online a “Chair Caning Footstool Kit” . Kit cost $44.95 and contains all of the materials you will need for the class. Order as soon as possible.
Class fee: free for AAC members; $5 for non-Members. (exact cash or check made out to Windham Arts Organization, In Memo line: AAC Workshop
Two-Session Workshop Wed., April 27 and May 4, 6:30-8:30pm Ashford Senior Center
Ashford’s Poet Laureate, Tony Paticchio, lead a poetry workshop focusing on close readings of poems, including favorite poems of the workshop participants. They were looking to identify those features that contribute to the making of a successful poem. They paid close attention to discovering each poem’s form and structure; how it employs sound, rhythm, words, phrasing, and sentences; how it builds and releases tension; how it uses lineation and stanzas; and how all these features work together to convey sense and meaning.
Stained Glass Ornaments – Nov. 3
We had a funtime making stained glass ornaments in time for the holidays! Participants chose from a few different designs (pre-cut) and learned to use the “Tiffany” method of copper foil and solder. They went home with a finished piece, ready to hang! Contact Anna Harding for Spring pressed flower waitlist.
Ever thought about trying to knit? Come and begin the adventure!
“To Knit” means to interlock loops of wool or yarns with needles or machine. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of knitting; including needle selection, yarn selection, and the two most basic stitches. The challenge in knitting lies in the development of consistency throughout your stitches. By mastering these two stitches, the knit stitch and purl stitch, the world of knitting opens.
Cathey began knitting over four decades ago. While making her way through all types of knitting, today she is most known for her knitted socks and fingerless gloves. She calls her work ‘practical art’ as everything she makes is intended for use. Using yarns from bamboo and super wools, all her creations are machine wash and dry, “why have a pair of socks you cannot put into the washer and dryer?” she says. As the years go by, her style evolves, and the patterns will change, but her love for hand knit socks will always remain.
Contact Cathey Gidman to Register (860) 450 – 9153 or [email protected]
The workshop is FREE to members; $5 for non-members. $10 Materials Fee for all participants (will take home yarn and needles)
Fraktur Basics Workshop Early PA German Decorated Documents Thursday, November 7th with Valerie Oliver
Valerie B. Oliver was born in Nashua, NH; she graduated from Classical H.S., Springfield, MA, received her BS in Mathematics from St. Lawrence Univ. in 1960 and MLS from McGill Univ. in 1961. Her professional career as a librarian began at the Research Labs Library at United Aircraft. Her many years as a Reference Ln. at UCONN’s Homer Babbidge Library, culminated with the publication of her book,Fashion and Costume in American Popular Culture, a reference guideby Greenwood Press in 1996.
Her interests in early American decoration began in the early 1970s with teacher Florence Rainville of Uncasville, CT. She became an Historical Society of Early American Decoration (HSEAD) member in 1997, eventually serving as Connecticut Charter Oak Chapter Chairman, then as an HSEAD Trustee and finally as HSEAD President 2011-2012. She currently serves as their Historian and as assistant editor of their journal The Decorator. Her decorative painting work consists of country painting on metal and wood, stenciling, freehand bronze work, gold leaf work and reverse glass painting (all using historically documented patterns). Reproducing old designs such as those seen on the 18th-19th c. Pennsylvania German decorated documents called frakturs involves work with a pen and with watercolor paints, a process both easily and enjoyably performed. The designs have many uses i.e. cards, bookplates, letter heads or simply framed for display.
FREE for AAC members $5.00 for Non-members Contact Valerie for Materials List To register, please email or call [email protected] 860-429-1125
Valerie Oliver will teach the traditional Fractur Painting method.
Location: Ashford Senior Center
January 15, 2022 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Fractur art by Valerie Oliver
Are you an AAC Member who would like to present a workshop? Contact Darcie Boiano today, send an email with a subject line of “AAC Workshop” to [email protected]
business tips for artists! digital art! drama! drawing! fiber art! mixed media painting! photography! dance! sculpture! writing! woodwork IF YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR IT, OTHERS MAY TOO!
An artists’ workshop for all levels of experience. Introducing a limited palette with a wide range of creative options, color and hue balance, saturation compatibility, neutral grays, and pigment density.
For your convenience we will use water media, watercolor or acrylic but the theory is applicable to all media.
Phone (860) 429-1016 for the material list and to sign up.
To register please call Marian Matthews (860) 477-0318
Explore your inner creativity by participating in this low-stress but invigorating writing activity. No previous writing experience or drafts required–just bring something to write with and something to write on. We will meet at Storrs Center to start. Then with a small group, we will move around to various places in the area, Storrs and/or the University, taking the opportunity to write in each place.
The area provides inspiration in a variety of ways–through its rich history and architecture, its museums, activities in the various retail establishments, its beautiful natural setting and more.
Your writing also will be inspired by the mutual sharing of the work of your colleagues.
This fun activity will be led by Marian Matthews, Ashford resident, previous professor of education and Director of the High Plains Writing Project in New Mexico and the Central Connecticut Writing Project, now retired. She has over 20 years of experience in helping novice and experienced writers find their voices. Come find yours.