September 12 – Christine Acebo – DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY


September 12th with Christine Acebo 

Do you take lots of pictures with either a camera or your Phone?  Do you have photos you love but just miss showing what you want?  Would you like to learn some simple tricks to make your photos better?

We’ll discuss some basic principles to help you take better photographs using even simple equipment on automatic settings.  (We will not discuss technical issues such as f-stops, aperture settings, or lenses).  We’ll also explore some post-processing tips using Photoshop Elementsand Phone Apps.  All you need to bring are 2 or 3 of your own digital photos (on a flash drive or sent by email to Christine). We will discuss these and use some simple tricks that may strengthen your images.

You must pre-register for this workshop as it is limited to 10 participants.  Contact Christine to register or for questions by email [email protected] or phone 860-617-5609.  NOTE:  This workshop will be from 7-9 pm, September 12, in the Ashford Town Hall Basement, Room 112. 

AAC members – FREE; Non-Members – $5.  Payment due at time of workshop.  Checks made out to Windham Arts Org.  Memo Line:  AAC Workshop; Cash:  Exact amount only. 

About Christine Acebo  Christine is a retired biobehavioral scientist and lifelong photographer.  Since 2005 she has posted one photo/day on her Flickr photostream as a discipline.  She favors finding deep, rich, old world colors and dramatic lighting but shoots anything and anywhere.  Her eclectic and extensive body of work may be seen on her Flickr photostream: