Linda Rogers

Linda Rogers

Linda Rogers has been working with the Encaustic process since 2008 after viewing this unusual process at a gallery in Charleston, SC. Switching over her studio was a bit challenging as Encaustic painting requires good ventilation, heated pallets to melt the painting medium and torches to fuse the work.
The painting medium she uses is made from refined beeswax and colored pigments. Linda also applies shellac mixed with pigments to create lacy intricate patterns that look organic when burned off. The entire process requires a controlled burn method to achieve fine detail and translucency. Most of Linda’s work reflects her love of nature including landscapes from her travels around the world and botanicals of all sorts. Recent work also includes portraitures using the Encaustic method often with paper collage additions. All work is available, contact her here.

Christine Acebo

I am a recently retired research scientist and lifelong photographer.  Both my science and my photography required me to develop and hone my abilities to observe, be it patterns of behavior, patterns of light and darkness, the detail of a caterpillar’s skin, or the stretch of a mountain range below storm clouds. Both have also enabled me to visit that special place where the intensity of focus puts me squarely in the present moment and utterly involved with the object of that focus.  I gravitate towards deep, rich, old-world colors and light, and I aim for “painterly” images.

Three of my photos were licensed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art for use in an Ad campaign in 2011.  I have exhibited in juried shows at the Salmagundi Club in NYC, the Fairfield Museum and History Center, Arts Center East in Vernon, and others.

Although my goals are not primarily commercial, I am willing to consider requests for professionally printed and mounted images. 

My photography is showcased on my personal website:

I can be contacted by email: